100% Money Back Guarantee

Your decision is risk free, backed by our industry-leading, DUAL, twelve (12) month money-back guarantee.

Here’s how it works

  • We will complete ALL work within 90 Days.
  • Within the next 12 months, the work we have done will become visible, doubling your online visibility.
  • If after we've done all the work we've promised to do and we haven't, at minimum, doubled your business’s online visibility within 12 months of signing up, then we will give you a FULL REFUND –You’ll get every penny back with no questions and no hassles.

We can give you this amazing, industry-leading guarantee with complete confidence because we know you’ll see results you can take to the bank when you partner with us for your online marketing – plain and simple.


Consistent Results

Business Report Card has invested several years in researching and developing a patent-pending process and the supportive technologies to create the most comprehensive, fail-proof marketing package available today. Because of how thoroughly we have set up our services to produce consistent results, we back our marketing with an iron-clad, 100% money back guarantee.


No questions. No hassles. No excuses.

Should we fail to elevate your website’s exposure by at least doubling your current search engine ranking, then Business Report Card will COMPLETELY refund every penny, nickel and dime of your purchase. No questions. No hassles. No excuses. We either complete ALL of your services within 90 days and your online visibility doubles, or you get your money back. It’s that simple.


Rock Solid Guarantee IN WRITING

You will also receive a copy of our rock solid guarantee IN WRITING along with a list of the services you will be contracting us to complete. So when you hire Business Report Card, you can rest easy knowing your new marketing campaign will launch your business to the next level without any risk to you.


Don’t roll the dice!

Don’t roll the dice with another company that can’t give you a written guarantee for their services. Go with the proven marketing solution that provides your business with the results you need…

contact Business Report Card at 1-888-444-9334 to secure the search engine ranking your company deserves.

Real Marketing and Real Solutions

Business Report Card provides your business with real marketing and real solutions. We optimize your online visibility so that you are GUARANTEED to double your website’s exposure at the very least. Business Report Card often promotes our clients so effectively that they end up at the top of the search engines because we have the formula for SEO success and over deliver on our results-oriented program.

So when you hire Business Report Card, you’re guaranteed to dramatically increase your online visibility, but may also enjoy even more website exposure than we promise.




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